Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Why the term "Plandemic" best describes COVID-19

You Can't Prove That!

I'm not privy to documents or phone-call recordings of someone being quoted as "OK, now is the time! Let's carry out our plan to release the sars-cov-2 pandemic". While there are lawsuits being taken up against specific individuals that show premeditated planning for this so-called pandemic we're going through, I'm working with a process of logical deduction, where all of the available facts point extremely strongly to an orchestrated plan. And it's good to remember, the devil's in the details. I want to help you see that by believing in the standard narrative, you are actually committing a very strong act of faith. I would say it's likely that you're not aware of many of the facts. If you care about facts then continue to read this article, which is merely an introduction to showing that this global catastrophe seems to have clearly been orchestrated. In this day and age, everyone should be aware that they need to dig deep for themselves if they want to be sure of anything that's reported in the news today.

A Couple Big Holes

The standard narrative is full of holes, literally from the very start. Let's take the idea of zoonoses (making the jump to humans) via the so-called "wet markets". We know at least some of the initial cases in China had no contact whatsoever to these markets. There goes that idea. But also, we have the reality of zoonoses in the natural environment taking decades to evolve to the point where it would attach to human cells to replicate. That process magically happening all of a sudden because of someone coming in contact with it in a market is extremely unlikely. The animal thought to be the origin of the virus, the bat, was reported in a scientific study of the market to not even have been sold there...another strike against the foundation of those who seek to defend the idea of a natural pandemic. They're touting this stuff still like it's an actual explanation for what's going on, it's not. It's disproven nonsense.

A Few "Coincidences" 

Perhaps you haven't heard, but there was some simulating going on the month prior to the first reports of an outbreak in China. This was called Event 201, a pandemic tabletop exercise executed by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security along with the WEF and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. They tell us this exercise "did not make a prediction", but instead "modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic", which "included a mock novel coronavirus". That's an insanely wild coincidence if I've ever heard one.

But, we have more coincidences that we're told to just ignore; as if basic reason and deduction are less important than believing uncritical media reporting, which is a good sign that we're being fed what to believe. There was research going on in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), research with coronaviruses, from bats. Bats with SARS-like coronaviruses collected by EcoHealth Alliance, advised by Dr. Scott Dowell, who is also the Deputy Director for Surveillance and Epidemiology at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as the lead of the Gates Foundation's COVID-19 response team, and converses regularly with colleagues in the WHO. This research was a continuation of the research being done in Fort Detrick, in Maryland, part of USAMRIID. David Franz, former commander at Fort Detrick, is also an adviser for EcoHealth. In 2017, Franz visited the Wuhan Institute and outlined “possible joint project ideas”, which included carrying out joint “table top exercises” or simulations of outbreaks, decision-making surrounding “gain-of-function” research, and “overcoming barriers to sharing strain collections and transport of pathogens”.

Making the Leap

Many people don't understand that these bat coronaviruses can't just jump into humans. This process takes time, a lot more time in nature than it does in the lab - many decades more. You see, what labs such as WIV do, is speed up this process for what's called "gain of function" research. They passage the virus, which is growing it in iterations, passing it repeatedly through cell cultures. The cell culture you use while performing this process will eventually allow the virus to become better at attaching to those specific types of cells. In the case of SARS-CoV-2, we all know that it has an excellent ability to attach to the human ACE-2 receptors. This cannot happen in nature simply by someone coming into contact with it in a market or in the wild.

What do you suppose the odds are that a virus such as this would be reported to originate in a city that happens to have a high-security lab which does research with these very same viruses? The odds are clearly very high.

A Prescient Warning

Wolfgang Wodarg, a German pulmonary specialist, warned mid-March about the tests that were being used to detect the virus, that they could be used to make it appear there was a pandemic, when in fact you weren't getting test results that showed the proper metric for concern: a virus capable of reproducing, and thus causing disease. Instead, the tests would be unreliable as they return false positives and be meaningless as far as the reality of the spread of the disease. Imagine his shock as recently, on November 7th, the German Senate Department responded "No" to the question of whether or not the PCR tests are capable of distinguishing a virus, or parts of a virus, that are able to reproduce from ones that are not able to reproduce.

How was Wolfgang able to predict this? It turns out he had experience with how these people operated. During the false H1N1 pandemic of 2009 (it was originally claimed to have a fatality rate of 0.1 to 5.1%, but ended up at a mere 0.02%), he attempted to get an investigation into the WHO and its conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies who went on to make upwards of $18 billion from governments who bought large quantities of the rushed vaccine. And not only that, but the WHO changed its definition of "pandemic" to no longer include the requirement of "Severity". This meant that, in principle, every seasonal flu could be labeled a pandemic. And of course, many governments around the world set their policies based on the WHO declaring something a "pandemic".

So back to the tests...this time around, he called out an individual directly related to the situation in Germany. A German virologist named Christian Drosten, who we find out is the single person that the government of Germany consulted regarding the outbreak. submitted a protocol for testing to the WHO in an extremely short time period. This is the current PCR test used worldwide claimed to diagnose infection of SARS-CoV-2. Normally these protocols need to be vetted by a very thorough process, but this one was rushed through, and it has been used ever since for mass testing campaigns. Recently, Michael Yeadon, a former lead scientist for Pfizer, has talked about how these tests are giving as much as 80% false positives.

Putting it all Together

I will note again, this is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a ton of evidence of these groups and individuals being involved in various schemes that benefit tremendously from what is going on right now. 

One of course can argue that none of these prove a Plandemic is actually occurring, but I think it should be obvious there is a major problem with blindly believing the story we've been fed. It's clear to me this was planned, based on the wide body of evidence I've examined. If we learn more that contradicts all this evidence, it won't be so clear, and I will gladly stop using the term "Plandemic". Hopefully, very soon we can actually get to the bottom and source of this nonsense, but as it stands now, when all of the evidence is taken together and integrated, it speaks volumes in support of this so-called pandemic being planned.

Please, I beg you, don't take my word for it, do your own research!! Do not be ignorant of the facts. This is far too important for the future of humanity, given all the attacks we've been seeing around the world on basic freedoms that every sovereign individual deserves to have.

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